



Invisible to the Eye

My work explores the relationship between acquired synesthesia and multimedia experiences.
With influences as diverse as Derrida and John Lennon, new tensions are created from both simple and complex meanings.
Ever since I was a student I have been fascinated by the theoretical limits of the mind. What starts out as triumph soon becomes corrupted into a hegemony of greed, leaving only a sense of chaos and the possibility of a new synthesis.
As temporal forms become transformed through emergent and personal practice, the viewer is left with a glimpse of the edges of our condition.
From The Arty Bollocks Generator  Words by David James Ross


"Facebook has a larger photo collection than any other site on the web. According to an extrapolation of photo upload data reported by Facebook, the site now houses about 60 billion photos compared to Photobucket’s 8 billion, Picasa’s 7 billion and Flickr’s 5 billion.
Photo organizing Facebook app Pixable has used data from a sample of 100,000 of its users to give some insight into the contents of Facebook’s huge photo collection.
According to the data, weekends are the most popular days for uploading photos. Middle-aged users and those in their twenties upload comparable numbers of photos, but the older group uses significantly fewer tags. Women upload about twice as many photos as men — which might be good for everybody, as recent researchsuggests photos with women in them are generally preferred.
“Guys prefer photos with girls. Girls prefer photos with girls. Pretty much everyone prefers photos with girls,” explained Pixable CEO Inaki Berenguer at a recent Social Media Week panel.



Todd: Hi Aaron! Tell me why collaboration is better than competition.

Aaron: Being friends with people is just way better than not. In the grand scheme of things art just means nothing and people who take it seriously have really lost the plot. (It's) more fun to just make things.

~ Todd Selby and Aaron Rose in The Selby is in your Place. Aaron is an artist and director of the film Beautiful Losers, about outsider art and artists (streaming on netflix).
